I’ve been hugely dismissive of them in the past. Possibly stemming from my obsession with jnats and their perceived gobs of mystique.
I’d like to retract my previous foolishness - synthetic nagura have their uses, and are damn good at it too.
This revelation brought to you by the ever glazing SG220.. extended slow geometry work really smooths this stone out. A quick scrub with the cerax 320 cleaning stone/nagura quickly adds some spicy grit and restores strong feedback and cutting power. Until I get my hands on a sigma 240..
Side note - slightly convexing this stone works wonders. No more random chunks missing from the bevel due to a big lip of stone on the right side.
I’d like to retract my previous foolishness - synthetic nagura have their uses, and are damn good at it too.
This revelation brought to you by the ever glazing SG220.. extended slow geometry work really smooths this stone out. A quick scrub with the cerax 320 cleaning stone/nagura quickly adds some spicy grit and restores strong feedback and cutting power. Until I get my hands on a sigma 240..
Side note - slightly convexing this stone works wonders. No more random chunks missing from the bevel due to a big lip of stone on the right side.