Best Maker's Marks

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Speaking of aesthetics of makers marks / kanji. I always enjoy if the mark is as close to the spine as possible. It looks nicer that way.

Some makers bother the hell out of me putting their marks / kanji in the middle of the blade, or super close to the shinogi.

Or even worse, crooked marks or stamps. Something strikes me wrong about not caring enough where your actual signature will be and just slapping it haphazardly on the blade

Here's some of my favorites.

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Ashi, always one of my favorite stamps. So aesthetic.
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Is that Ashi one of their unicornium honyaki?
i guess its more brand than maker but ive always loved the look
Shameless plug for my own also! I call my girl a Koala bear, and she was the one to push me to start forging so I named my forge after her and made the koala my logo/touch mark :)
Oh I also second Radiona’s, his work is VERY nice, love his whole style! ....very timeless ;)View attachment 324424
Got a friend who would *die* for that koala logo on a knife. I definitely see buying a knife of yours as a gift for her in the future 😂
Shameless plug for my own also! I call my girl a Koala bear, and she was the one to push me to start forging so I named my forge after her and made the koala my logo/touch mark :)
Oh I also second Radiona’s, his work is VERY nice, love his whole style! ....very timeless ;)View attachment 324424
The maker‘s mark is sooooooooo cute!
Recognisable and toxic
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This one has always puzzeled me.

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Agree on toxic, shady
I would be much obliged to links to/on the backstory of the “toxic” assessment. After I bought one of his from the previous owner, I encountered some soc-media posts with vague tantalizing tidbits about him sailing off the edge into Q country combined with his stiffing folks who paid to be in line for one of his knives.

I’d like to know more.

That said, the knife I have is a good performer — and pretty easy on tge eyes.