Eamon Burke knives.

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I offered a few days ago, just wanted to say again that I am willing to help out.
Good morning guys. I found this thread just recently and really want to say WOW! The community here is unlike anywhere else on the web. My hats off to one and all!!

Im honored and proud to be a small part of this awesome group of KNIFE KNUTS!

If I can help. Let me know.
Thanks for the information Edredlee, we will add you to the list as you are not currently on there. I remember you jumping in there. Please bear with us, as you can see we have performed an intervention on a bankrupt party here.

The List - I would like to clean it up if possible, so we have 15 numbers and 15 names. Or 16 now as the case may be, Each person on the list clarify with Zweifel if you had a special wood for the handle and what it was, I think we have most of that, or standard handle.

A couple of people wish to have their blades sent directly to them for handling themselves - this needs to be an option on there and it reduces the load.

Worker list, I will give this some thought and attention for a realistic plan of attack.
Bill Burke and John Thomas have offered to do the whole process on some knives,
John 3
Bill 1

There may be a couple of others who will prefer to do this than do a part process. This is good as it reduces the main bulk of knives, so if possible we can do the remaining bulk in one chain of processes.

What remains I would suggest would be most efficient to break it down into

Make handles - It would be easier if one person made all the handles if possible, one blade can be sent to them to work off, they are all the same and can ultimately be burned in for a tight fit.

Making Saya- We have a very kind offer to do this, again one knife will be sent as example.

Blade finishing - they are currently rough hand rubbed to 180 grit, Eamons promise was to flat them and stone finish them.

Assembly and final finish - Final rub down of the handle, burn tang in as necessary- and epoxy in place, clean up.

Honing - This could be in with final finish but it will depend on who is happy doing what. Obviously honing has to be the final final step before packing up and sending off.

I can give detailed instruction where required.

Thats a bit general, but just letting you know my thoughts on the direction this could go in. I can see shipping is going to get complicated but we need to get it done somehow. Thanks All
I can finish and or hone. I can hand rub with wet dry to what every grit/finish is needed.. all the way to crocus paper... diamond spray on champagne cork and I have the pads from lee valley that go to 12000? I have other 'stuff' too. be a good excuse to buy that .25 micron diamond powder :cool2: or I can purchase and ship finishing supplies to whomever
I offered a few days ago, just wanted to say again that I am willing to help out.

I got your name on the list this time, sorry I missed it the first time around.

If I can help. Let me know.

I got your name on the list as well.

I can finish and or hone. I can hand rub with wet dry to what every grit/finish is needed.. all the way to crocus paper... diamond spray on champagne cork and I have the pads from lee valley that go to 12000? I have other 'stuff' too. be a good excuse to buy that .25 micron diamond powder :cool2: or I can purchase and ship finishing supplies to whomever

Got your name on the list as well.

Many thanks to everyone for volunteering their time and skills to help!

Wow, took a while to catch up on this thread. For the record, my history shows the Paypal payment of $250 on 8/21/12.

I would prefer to still get a knife, but am fine with whatever shakes out. Whether it is a raffle for them, paying extra to compensate those who did not get one, etc. If I end up with nothing....oh well.

I will have to go back through the post to find who was collecting for shipping and PM for details.


You're on the list now Matt, also thank you for your very generous donation to the shipping kitty!

This is a summary of the latest status of the utility knives, based on replies to my private messages to members and posts on this thread. Please let me or Zwiefel know if any of the information is incorrect, or if you paid for a knife, but your name is not on the list, let us know ASAP. Thanks.

The following members will get a knife:

Justin0505 - Would like a blade and materials to finish the handle.
Choll - Has provided stabilized koa for handle.
Iceman91 - Would prefer leather sheath, if possible.
Pensacola Tiger - Has provided ironwood for handle.

The following members have said that they no longer want their knife, and have “donated” it to help provide funds for “reparations”:

sachem allison
mr drinky - Provided wood for handle that needs to be returned.

Thanks so much for jumping in and helping out with this Rick, I was out of commission for most of the night with some mild-food poisoning and you kept the ball rolling.
Thanks Guys its all there, with all the generous offers of help. I have a plan just need to go through the thread and organize it properly. I will have a chance to do that tomorrow after work. But please anything you would like to contribute or ideas add away and I will look over it all tomorrow and make a proposal for a plan of action. The postage im not sure about yet, many have offered to contribute even some not waiting on anything! So I think probably a postage kitty is the fairest way to do it, from which people may be compensated from, that way no one is down more than anyone else. If this were fair and acceptable to the group. I believe we have a nice list of workers and possible tasks, so this will help me work it out tomorrow. Sorry not to do it today but the time was not available. Thanks All, we will get there.
What a mess...

I will donate a blade toward the raffle, though there will be no customization. 170-180mm petty chef that is (my go to knife size these days) in AEB-L or 52100 or 19C27. Completion wise it will take me probably up to 6 weeks, as I need to get my paid up custom orders and unfinished ready-made orders straight first.

Anyway, one way or another, we will sort this out. Maybe other makers will step up with a similar gesture.

Eamon, if you read this, you are off the hook, but please return the remaining knives you owe folks. This would be a good start in your rehabilitation in the eyes of the community.


I would be more than please to step up to the plate with a donation like Markos. Either a 180 petty or a 210 suji, new owners choice!
I would be more than please to step up to the plate with a donation like Markos. Either a 180 petty or a 210 suji, new owners choice!

Wow...we are going to be spoiled for choice soon! I added your generous offer to the spreadsheet.
I would be more than please to step up to the plate with a donation like Markos. Either a 180 petty or a 210 suji, new owners choice!

Very cool of you to join in with Marko (and I'm not sure who else).

I would happily participate in some type of raffle that would help some folks get their money back, if they prefer that to the finished blade. The gestures and community spirit in this whole effort have left a deep impression on me. I'd love the chance to have some part of that.

And I really, really hope the folks who sent in knives will have them returned. While I can understand unfinished projects, keeping people's property is just totally wrong.
I forgot about it, but the walnut block is mine, from an email going back over things:

Order Date: 8/25/12
Payment By: Check/Money Order
Confirmation No: B1855784C9
Shipment Tracking:

Burl Source Web Store Items
1 #4013 Stabilized Claro Walnut Burl @ $60.00 = $60.00

Sub-Total: $60.00

Shipping: $0.00 (USPS Priority Mail)

Sales Tax: $0.00

Burl Source Web Store Total: $60.00

Store Credit: -$0.00

TOTAL DUE: $60.00

Special Instructions:
Please hold for Eamon Burke, as this will be used for an order from him.
Sorry for the multiple posts, but can not edit the last.

Nope, I don't show paying for it, so he did and was going to bill me later. I can buy it now with the money going into whatever kitty, or am open to any other option.
Ok thats great Mc, So there is a little money left in your job. Yes please it can go in the postage kitty when that is arranged.

Ok Just to confirm all the handle and saya details and those who just want to be sent the knife and materials as a kit to handle or get handled.

In this list name-saya material-handle material

Iceman- leather - Standard
Wildboar - Standard - Standard
Justin - (Send blade and materials direct)
Pensacola T - Ironwood? - Ironwood
Choll - Standard? - Koa
Mc2442 - Standard - Walnut burl
Brainsausage - Standard - Standard
Pitonboy - (Send blade materials direct)
PacoMcgraw - Standard - Standard
Cookinstuff - Standard - Standard
Edredlee - Standard - Standard

Just read through and confirm or ask to be changed, extra blades will be finished with what materials are available to be sold on to the benefit of the group.
First I am working through this list of volunteered services.

I would like to confirm and establish is which makers will take "Whole process" Knives , as it will greatly reduce and simplify the mass of work...that is to do the following.

Flat blade on diamond stones and give a stone finish to the bevels.
Make handle as specified with materials allocated.
Fix handle to blade
Final finish
Send to customer with money from postage kitty.

Whole process
John Thomas has been volunteered to do 3
Bill burke 1

Other makers and experienced guys from the list

Don Nyugen
Spike C
M Henry

I would say Marko, but you have offered allot. But If we dont need a donation knife, and we have the Saya covered by Taz, so if your free you could do a couple whole process.

Any of you guys or anyone who can confidently offer "Full process" please add the number of knives you can finish and handle. (All work except saya)

Once we have this, we can specify job and materials to each and send these off. The rest will split the jobs up into speciality.

Taz has kindly volunteered to make all 15 saya. This is too good an offer to turn down, thankyou. He will need a blade as example. There is a slight length variation so send the longest.

On the postage Kitty, did we have a paypal volunteer to be our banker?
In fact if we can get all 15 knives off to makers for "whole process" It will simplify things greatly and reduce postage costs. So lets see if we can, myself and T.B london can always jump in, but we are trying to avoid international shipping and uk customs headache.
I believe Zwiefel has offered. I had sent him a postage contribution previously, and will send him money for the handle material tonight. Let me know if anything changed.

I started a shipping kitty (There is a tab on the spreadsheet with the details for this so far)...but I'm happy to do whatever you all find useful.
I can do the leather sheath for Iceman if needed. I have a ton of leather and he is only an hour from me. Also i can help with anything else that is needed...be it blades, handles or what not
Hey Mike if you could do "whole process" on one or two knives, that would be amazing. Taz is making 15 saya very kindly.
Who do we send money to for the shipping kitty? I would like to donate.

I can do 1 complete knife, but I don't know about stone finishes (I usually just finish with sandpaper). Would that just be something like with a fingerstone?
Thanks Don.
I think a nice hand rubbed finish might be acceptable, I will put it out there and ask those waiting for knives If that would be ok?
It may just be a bit more work the first time the knife is thinned.
Zwiefel is kindly doing the shipping Kitty. See the spreadsheet, many thanks.

I started a shipping kitty (There is a tab on the spreadsheet with the details for this so far)...but I'm happy to do whatever you all find useful.
Ok thats great Mc, So there is a little money left in your job. Yes please it can go in the postage kitty when that is arranged.

Ok Just to confirm all the handle and saya details and those who just want to be sent the knife and materials as a kit to handle or get handled.

In this list name-saya material-handle material

Iceman- leather - Standard
Wildboar - Standard - Standard
Justin - (Send blade and materials direct)
Pensacola T - Ironwood? - Ironwood
Choll - Standard? - Koa
Mc2442 - Standard - Walnut burl
Brainsausage - Standard - Standard
Pitonboy - (Send blade materials direct)
PacoMcgraw - Standard - Standard
Cookinstuff - Standard - Standard
Edredlee - Standard - Standard

Just read through and confirm or ask to be changed, extra blades will be finished with what materials are available to be sold on to the benefit of the group.

Spreadsheet modified and updated with this info. Please let me know if I missed anything or got something wrong.

Spreadsheet link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AsVveXMHku0hdEhlYWRNS2NsdHZXem5ZeDZoOWFrUlE&usp=sharing
So, This so far is the thread only for the utilities. Have we figured out what happened to everyone else's knives and saya work and how are we going to handle that? Is the other thread still open?
So, This so far is the thread only for the utilities. Have we figured out what happened to everyone else's knives and saya work and how are we going to handle that? Is the other thread still open?

Dave closed the other thread and referred everyone to this thread. So I merged the spreadsheets. Seems like we should try to wrap that up here?
I just spoke to Dave, He said he would be able do the work needed on mine when he does the other work I have with him.
