F. Dick Howto cut properly

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I think he means you can find the info on YouTube, but have to deal with ads.

Personally I do many things “wrong” but it works most of the time. Nothing wrong with gathering knowledge first tho.
I see. I prefer concentrated/curated knowledge in form of a book or wiki though, if possible. Saves a lot of time and here, doubles as a coffee table book.
I see. I prefer concentrated/curated knowledge in form of a book or wiki though, if possible. Saves a lot of time and here, doubles as a coffee table book.
Zwilling/Henckles put out a book (and a video) called something like 'The Complete Book of Knife Skills'. I see them on ebay on a semi regular basis.
Also, somebody possibly associated with Bernal Cutlery did a book about knives and knife history.
I've read the Bernal book titled Sharp; it's OK as a history, but not really that great for dealing with cutting techniques. I like books, too, but for knife techniques, I find them lacking. Most books seem to approach from the perspective of a particular type of cuisine and the techniques they demonstrate are limited to that cuisine. The photos from the F. Dick book look like they involve use a heavy, Western chef knife with a hammer grip. I think videos are nice because the techniques (and cuisines) are more varied and I personally find it easier to learn movement-based information from a video vs. static pictures.