Kato Alert

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Forget that chunky hot gas beater in the front let’s talk about that svelt Ashi in the back there.
The svelt Ashi in the background has a beautifully rounded heel. I wish all my knife heels were rounded
An Ashi can be fixed. But you can’t fix the ugly of a ku Kato 😜

You know what they say about beauty and eye and the beholder.

To me the KU kato is beautiful, maybe not a conventional beauty that one’d find in a magazine but beautiful nonetheless. Like Uma Thurman, can’t quite point out why she is pretty but pretty she is.

And that marks the end of today’s philosophy lecture. In conclusion, Kato is in fact Uma Thurman in disguise and we love him for everything he is and everything he makes. Long live Uma.
I think a touched a sensitive part- never mess with a Kato ku fan, almost as dangerous as the TF clan 😜 luv u Khashmoney 🥰


On a separate note, I’m happy to have membership cards to both the TF clan and the KP (Kato posse).

I end up running errands for the big boys mostly, hopefully I’ll level up one day to become a bronze card holder ☺️
Any news from Kato? I haven't seen any of his gyutos in the recent jns stocks, neither on auctions. It seems that Kato kitchen knives are becoming a rare finding these days.
Anyone knows the reason? Is Kato ok?
Any news from Kato? I haven't seen any of his gyutos in the recent jns stocks, neither on auctions. It seems that Kato kitchen knives are becoming a rare finding these days.
Anyone knows the reason? Is Kato ok?
Maksim had a couple of Kato hunters a week ago. And someone snagged a very tasty honyaki Yani that he made a couple of months ago. So based on that I assume he's fine and well and maybe just taking a break after a very productive 18 months.
Any news from Kato? I haven't seen any of his gyutos in the recent jns stocks, neither on auctions. It seems that Kato kitchen knives are becoming a rare finding these days.
Anyone knows the reason? Is Kato ok?
I don't have any actual information on his status but, since I'm his age I can tell you that people do slow down with age ;-)
Anyone know if the JNS 210 kiri tipped gyutos were white steel or blue steel?
Pretty safe bet they're blue
Depends if it’s std or workhorse. Heard std is blue while wh uses a mystery steel

That knife did not look appealing. Pretty weird shape to it. I'm never set on a profile and love trying whatever the expert makes but I couldn't imagine enjoying that one.
I have the 240ktip wh. It’s totally badass. Totally oversized and imposing presence, more so than the regular 240 wh.
Depends if it’s std or workhorse. Heard std is blue while wh uses a mystery steel

I have the 240ktip wh. It’s totally badass. Totally oversized and imposing presence, more so than the regular 240 wh.
View attachment 127807
The recent WH knives I have show a closer resemblance to my B#2 STDs than my older mystery white WH.
Out of interest, is it people on this forum buying these at current prices? If so, do you use it? Or is it a shelf queen? Genuinely curious, no snark intended.
Workhorse in W1 for $1525 before tax. Quite a bit less than the last drop of the W1 Migaki. Probably due in part to the weak ¥en. Last chance probably to own a brand new Kato Ku Nakiri WH. Every piece I’ve come across from previous generations are used ones and owners are asking for the save amount if not more.
Out of interest, is it people on this forum buying these at current prices? If so, do you use it? Or is it a shelf queen? Genuinely curious, no snark intended.
IMHO, I find the JNS prices to be reasonable/fair, considering the noteworthiness of the maker, not over the odds, there are a good number of western makers producing gyutos at a similar price. Katos aren’t drawer queens, excellent performers, made to be used, utilitarian tools not art. Mine gets a lot of work, not babied at all, it’s floating around in the kitchen drawer with other good knives. To me, Katos are a luxury, a special knife, not a bang-for-buck knife.
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Anyone know if Kato made western handled gyutos with his normal Damascus finish?

I know he made western kikuryus, tamahagane and some other polished finished ones, but I mean his normal damascus