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Hasn’t been a problem for me, even using an ad blocker and DDG. Are you using a proxy too?
Some things are worth waiting for

Tomorrow I interview someone by myself. I have a few questions in mind:

  1. What's 8x10?
  2. What method do you use to prepare lemongrass?
  3. Do you work like every day is your first day here?
  4. What's your stance on asking the Chef's jackassy questions?

Did I miss any?

Tomorrow I interview someone by myself. I have a few questions in mind:

  1. What's 8x10?
  2. What method do you use to prepare lemongrass?
  3. Do you work like every day is your first day here?
  4. What's your stance on asking the Chef's jackassy questions?

Did I miss any?

Alright , Interviewee I'm going to give you a scenario and ask how you'd respond okay? Okay great. So, you get to work at 11am. Your coworker arrived at 9:30am. When your coworker leaves for the night, an hour before you, do you...

A. Think good for him and get back to work?
B. Whine to chef how it's unfair?
Alright , Interviewee I'm going to give you a scenario and ask how you'd respond okay? Okay great. So, you get to work at 11am. Your coworker arrived at 9:30am. When your coworker leaves for the night, an hour before you, do you...

A. Think good for him and get back to work?
B. Whine to chef how it's unfair?
Woah! Are you here? Stupid Cook was just whining about me leaving early.... because I got here 5 hours before him 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️
Woah! Are you here? Stupid Cook was just whining about me leaving early.... because I got here 5 hours before him 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

You manufacture food. I manufacture metal. The crews are all the same. ;)

When I took on my latest job, I said I would never go back to Adult Daycare. I've done my time. :)

Used empty sturdy box from restaurant to pack stone. Can no longer find box. Search everywhere and nothing. Resign that box got thrown out and decide I’ll have to refund the buyer and own up to losing his Aizu.

“What the hell? This isn’t goat cheese, it’s a rock!” Never been so relived for someone to approach me with a mislabeled box from the cooler.

Used empty sturdy box from restaurant to pack stone. Can no longer find box. Search everywhere and nothing. Resign that box got thrown out and decide I’ll have to refund the buyer and own up to losing his Aizu.

“What the hell? This isn’t goat cheese, it’s a rock!” Never been so relived for someone to approach me with a mislabeled box from the cooler.

...but it wasn't a rock...