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This is a pretty damn good deal 🥵

Fingal Ferguson knife drop on Sunday May 26 at 8 pm Irish time (3 pm EST). He has six boning knives available, which I highly recommend if you’re in the market. The handle and blade geometries are task perfect, and the 14C28N steel is hard enough that it never seems to scratch working around bones. I’ve been using mine regularly for months and it still looks brand new.

Fingal drop
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Masutani deals are great
Does anyone know if Kyohei Shindo’s release schedule is available (particularly from Tokushu)? Also is CKTG’s Kyoshi Shindo the same maker? I know the stamps are different but they seem very similar otherwise.
Does anyone know if Kyohei Shindo’s release schedule is available (particularly from Tokushu)? Also is CKTG’s Kyoshi Shindo the same maker? I know the stamps are different but they seem very similar otherwise.
i seem to recall tokushu mentioning they get monthly shipments but aren't able to specify what exactly they will be getting each month (i think they posted somewhere in this thread/elsewhere on kkf). they seem to restock close to that frequency. mikazuki also carries shindo knives w/ different kanji, so im guessing CKTG orders knives from him with their own kanji.
Picked up a couple masutani for friends. Thanks for the post!
A Kurouchi Santoku Knife made by blacksmith Yoshikazu Ikeda & Sharpener Workshop Yamawaki Hamono in Sakai City.
You can check out how the knife is crafted here:
YouTube video on Yamawaki Hamono


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Am I a hater or is this insane?

No, that's actually pants-on-head insane and you don't gotta be a hater to acknowledge it. I liked Don's prototype and I'm sure he's only gotten better in the last ten years. But even with the random 300%+ markup cheat code that makers get just for having an Instagram account, the man is swinging for the fences lol.