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4-6 are good and hopelessly nostalgia tinged but honestly overrated
1-3 are bad but in the hands of a capable director/editor could have been great
7 was 4, whatever
8-9 are bad, confused, forgettable, just stop
Rogue 1 - thought it was pretty dull, but everyone else seemed to like it

Knights of the Old Republic was good ****, more of this please.
The Mandalorian wasn't very good. People were just stoked that it was getting back to the roots and just telling story. But it was really just a bunch of step and fetch episodes with huge plot holes.
I liked the first season. Once they tried to tie it into the larger Skywalker BS, it fell apart. Lone Wolf and Cub style villain of the week would have been Good Clean Fun.
Star Wars has been redefining what it means to run on fumes for decades already. Back in the days of yore they made a few fun adventures movies about space wizards waving their glowing dildos around or whatever, and ever since then it's been a steady stream of sludge that neither recaptures the old spark nor has any good new ideas.

Fans are so starved that as soon as something barely competent comes out, it's showered with glowing reviews and rejoicing of "star wars is back!!", when if the same content had gone by any other name, it would not have even registered on the cultural radar.

The fumes might finally be running out though now that it's bearing uncanny resemblance to a star wars themed Marvel production, while being milked to death by Disney. We can only hope.
Yes, more sequels = more better


chasing maximum mm thickness in cookware might make you feel better, but not cook better.

Depends on the purpose really. For meat really nothing beats extra thick like a Demeyere proline... but for anything else I always go for something a bit easier to swing around like Demeyere multiline / ecoline.

But to some extent good pans make up for a bad stove. The better your pans, the worse your stove can be. The large heat capacity of extra thick pans is useful for searing simply because most stoves don't have enough heat output to keep up.
The large heat capacity of extra thick pans is useful for searing simply because most stoves don't have enough heat output to keep up.
That's why woks work, despite being so thin. The burner makes up for the lack of heat capacity. And a wok is somewhat better than a thick heavy pan in that it responds almost instantly when I reduce the heat. With a cast iron pan or some such, I have to think ahead to avoid overcooking things.
That's just a good way to loosen the handle. Just get a damn dough roller or meat hammer.
Imagine bumping your sale thread 23 times only to reduce a price from 920 > 850
Well, then you can tell the other half that you've REALLY been TRYING, and even REDUCED the PRICE, but nobody wants it, so you might as well keep it. I mean, the marketplace has spoken. Out of your hands. What can one do, really?