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It's promising SF writer William Gibson
The Jackpot Trilogy
1. (The Peripheral) book release 2014 best seller.
2. (Agency) book release 2020
3. Gibson writing final of the Trilogy now.
The Bear

Somewhat accurate portrayal of the kitchen. One of the cooks even calls the Chef "Jeff" 😂

We watched the first two episodes this evening. I came here to see if anyone recommended it! I am glad you guys did!

Aside from being perfect subject matter for KKF... they have paced the plot well so far. I enjoy that they arent spoon feeding us the backstory with unrealistic exposition. But I can imagine it could divide audiences. The dysfunctional interpersonal relationships is what has made the kitchen scenes stressful for me. The fact that they shoot it in a cramped space, and more or less one set, makes it extra tense (claustrophobic).

Looking forward to seeing where they take the story...
We are almost through season 1 of "Counterpart," so far it is really excellent. They cut this scifi/spy-thriller short with just 2 seasons, but from what I've read online they wrapped things up pretty nicely, allaying my fear that it would not have a proper ending. We are watching it on Prime.

Shetland on YouTube. BBC Scotland TV murder mystery series in Shetland Islands.

My better half loves murder mystery. She found it.
Responding to the ever-present threat of cancellation that TV shows have to live under, the "White Lotus" / "Haunting Of" seasonal anthology structure is a great defensive strategy … it's a good middle ground between
  • from the world of cinema, the series of standalone "anthology" movies: 007 and more recently Benoit Blanc;
  • from the world of traditional TV, the series of standalone "monster of the week" episodes with little commitment to a long-term story arc (early Star Trek); and
  • from the world of multi-season TV, the long-term story arc that gets cancelled too soon by studio execs.
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We are almost through season 1 of "Counterpart," so far it is really excellent. They cut this scifi/spy-thriller short with just 2 seasons, but from what I've read online they wrapped things up pretty nicely, allaying my fear that it would not have a proper ending. We are watching it on Prime.

Liam Nelson ruined the game for everyone. Now all of these elderly actors are demanding action roles :waiting:
I have been watching old 90s TV. I found that many of these shows I enjoyed but never finished due to timeslot changes and unknown network transfers.

Currently I'm watching Highlander the Series (which I used to watch regularly) and X-Files which I never watched (because the truth was never written in the script).
Responding to the ever-present threat of cancellation that TV shows have to live under, the "White Lotus" / "Haunting Of" seasonal anthology structure is a great defensive strategy … it's a good middle ground between
  • from the world of cinema, the series of standalone "anthology" movies: 007 and more recently Benoit Blanc;
  • from the world of traditional TV, the series of standalone "monster of the week" episodes with little commitment to a long-term story arc (early Star Trek); and
  • from the world of multi-season TV, the long-term story arc that gets cancelled too soon by studio execs.
I love when a season tells a complete story as is done with the "seasonal anthology" structure. "True Detective" might be my favorite example even if S2 was weak, S1 and S3 I think is some of the finest TV ever made.
Several TV stations show old Law & Order like the old guy with the wise cracks. Think it was her favorite TV show. She doesn't like most of what I watch, but if hears the theme music to Law & Order comes in the living room like a moth to flame.
Shrinking on AppleTV is a solid dark comedy. Honestly feel like TV is in a bit of a dry spot. I can wholeheartedly recommend the Red Rising series and the Three Body Problem series if you are into sci-fi books. I cherish both and have been mildly obsessed with Red Rising.
Shrinking on AppleTV is a solid dark comedy. Honestly feel like TV is in a bit of a dry spot. I can wholeheartedly recommend the Red Rising series and the Three Body Problem series if you are into sci-fi books. I cherish both and have been mildly obsessed with Red Rising.

+1 on red rising and three body problem books. have read them all i think.
Poker Face (not the film) and The Last of Us have been great watches so far.
Watching My Wiggly Friend on Netflix right now, Chinese five episode documentary series about rice noodles. Has some good caidao shots.

Finally watched The Detectorists Christmas Special last week.

Some movies I've enjoyed recently: Aftersun, Emily the Criminal.

Edit: Halfway into Violent Night and enjoying it so far.
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Love and Death is an interesting mini series, and Elizabeth Olson was brilliant. True story.

For movies I quite enjoyed Sisu.