what are you drinking tonight?

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I am drinking a Chardakhi, Iago's Chinuri wine -- from Georgia.

There were very few cases that made it into the US -- maybe a couple, and I nabbed a couple of bottles.


Never had Founders in Denmark before, so celebrations were in order.
High West "Prarie" bourbon. Smooth as Johnny Blue with a nice smokey Rye hit and lip smacking sweet finish. For $40 a fifth this stuff is really showing me something. Neat only.
the james oliver, out-freaking-standing!! new under $40 king.
palm ridge tastes like macallan 12, i guess the strong sherry tones gives it that feeling. pretty bizarre that a rye tastes like this.
Because sometimes you need a good drop when you discover your expired visa won't let you go on a family holiday

Grand cru? Holy moly... sorry to hear the visa stuff man , I am going to hit the Shiraz bad as soon as I manage to put the house hold to bed
Have a glass or two for me guys... I'm on no drinking until my wife and I get a visit from the stork
Very noble mate. You tucking anything away for the next 21 years?

Got plans too. Will get an extra half dozen of my favourite vintage port (fortified for us Aussie folk) when its released in. And gonna do some research and get some nice red from this years vintage too.
Bottle of 2007 Penfolds Bin 707 with my parents and in-laws to celebrate their first grandchild (and therefore my first child).
Thanks Mert.

He will certainly grow up with many sharp things to cook with and knowing what a good drop is to have with it.
Bottle of 2007 Penfolds Bin 707 with my parents and in-laws to celebrate their first grandchild (and therefore my first child).

Hey, congrats Alex.

I wish you and your wife many hours of restful sleep!

How was the 707?
It was absolutely stunning. A perfect example of a well cellared Aussie full bodied Red. Absolutely delicious.

For me the best reds in the world.
Anybody here know anything about old rum? I managed to get a hold of an unopened 1939 bottle of Rhum J. Bally.

I've looked up prices for it online and it seems quite crazy. Is it really "worth" that much? I only know about scotch and bourbon, rum not so much.
