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Except my favorite meatloaf is with ground Turkey

Mmmm...sliced and pan seared on toasted white bread, mayo and American cheese while all still warm. Hubby was going to have a cold sandwiches until he saw mine. Good thing I love the man.
I did some more experimenting with beef shanks. I did 2 in sous vide for 48hrs at 150f and I did pressure cooker but still going back to a braise. I like it for 3 reasons. less hassle than 1 and 2, and it also browns the top. I caramelized like 5 huge onions and shredded the beef and mixed in with salt/pepper. Now it's good for anything, such as quasi steak n cheese and / or anything else. Tender, moist, pretty lean.



That banana bread is gorgeous - love the before & after pic's really sets it off nicely (MAC bread knife is perfect as well). Do you use any nuts in it? I always enjoy the texture change but not needed by any stretch of the imagination ...

That banana bread is gorgeous - love the before & after pic's really sets it off nicely (MAC bread knife is perfect as well). Do you use any nuts in it? I always enjoy the texture change but not needed by any stretch of the imagination ...

Cheers. My wife's not fond of nuts in banana bread, so none in this one. Love my Mac bread knife.
Banana bread from over-stored plantains can be delicious too, albeit it is a more adstringent, adult-ish taste...
Banana bread from over-stored plantains can be delicious too, albeit it is a more adstringent, adult-ish taste...

There're a bunch of Mexican and Caribbean markets near me in Brooklyn selling plantains—never occurred to me to use them in place of bananas for bread! They sell both sweet and green plantains—I'm assuming you're referring to sweet plantains? Do you adjust the amount of sugar? Might give it a go!
The green ones eventually turn yellow-black and sweet, but then they are still not good for eating raw as bananas...
Per request of my friend, I made paella for the 3rd time. First time it was in 13" ss all clad (d5, 6qt) and it worked well but bottom got burned a bit. 2nd time it was in a 15" paella pan, carbon steel, thin, not flat, and it didnt work well, as bottom was really burned (i have smaller burners, so middle was burned, wjile rice on sides was crunchy, so I had to cook it a bit longer).

3rd time in an 8qt rondeau. it's about 12.5" wide but much deeper, so it came out best (except for pre-cooked shrimp, which I had to use as I ran out of time).

first pic is even this at med heat didnt cook even, middle done, sides bit uncooked, but being 12" it was better due to my smaller burner. I lowered the heat and rest cooked, middle didnt overcook and didn't burn the bottom

2nd pic final product.


Last pic i posted on this thread was a BLT. This time I decided to gild the lily by adding a couple of eggs from the back yard.

Simple stuff again ...

If you have oddball tomatoes, thin long eggplants, broth from cooking toor dal, some soaked urid dal, some soaked tamarind, and some radish offcuts (from uneven cylinders that won't do for thin usuba work) to use up.... rasam kind of becomes an obvious thing. And it's great in hot weather..

Simple stew (tomatoes, onions, some kashmiri mirch p.,cumin p.,coriander p.,salt,palm sugar,tamarind water, dal broth, cilantro leaves and stems, eggplant slices, radish slices) + tadka (coconut oil, mustard seeds, fenugreek seeds, curry leaves, urid dal, 4 whole dried+soaked chile, turmeric, hing,crushed whole coriander+black pepper+garlic) method

(warning: when trying any rasam recipe, rather use less of any pepper than you think... what would be the right amounts for a curry would turn a lean soup like that into something seriously, unpleasantly nukular. six-figures-scoville powders in any amount are right out.)

A try at at making a south indian style stir fry from rainbow chard - and I still had some lemon rice and sambhar....

(Note: I found a big saute pan is often better for that style of stir fry than a wok, so that's what I used...)
Today I made fried chicken, tomato confit, kammerjunkere, bread, and petit pois ala francaise. All for completely different occasions.




So is there a really good, inexpensive light source for quick food photography that works well with normal digital cameras that someone can recommend? I'm always having the "long exposure times OR gritty sensor ISO OR incalculable flash glare" problem...
A riff on sri lankan bean curry (spot the, in name at least, very un-sri lankan ingredient ;) ). The high floating beans are probably from the portion (about 1/3) I gave a quick oil blanch to get some textural variation in...

A riff on sri lankan bean curry (spot the, in name at least, very un-sri lankan ingredient ;) ). The high floating beans are probably from the portion (about 1/3) I gave a quick oil blanch to get some textural variation in...

Is this food the one you ate with Shrimp paste? It kind looks like it, because I tried it before and it taste delicious.
...must resist temptation to post even more red and yellow spicy stuff :) Summer always has me obsessing about thai and south indian food...

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