Knife findings

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2,222 grams of "devastating performance"

Other selling points:

"Can double as a plate for your meals." -Real men don't use plates
"work on your bicep curls while you cook." -Real time saver
"Handle alone is longer than most blades." -Because six inches feels really small in my hand for some reason
"300% HEAVIER THAN YOUR AVERAGE CLEAVER" -Heavier=better obviously
"BIGGER THAN MOST TEXTBOOKS" -Has anyone that bought one of these ever used a text book?
"YOU’LL EASILY SCARE OFF YOUR NEIGHBORS WITH THIS MASSIVE KNIFE" -I could use that actually. Maybe hang it over the front door.

“Believe it or not, the customer service is even better than the knives!” -Pretty low bar if you ask me
This web page seems like it was designed by someone who either did a ton of blow or was in a hypomanic state. It’s pretty unhinged.
I read every sentence as a shout in my head.

‘Don’t buy this knife if you have weak arms.’

The spec list thingy is also incredible (and a little horny):
✅ Bigger than most textbooks
✅ A powerful blow every time
✅ The strength to take a beating
❌ Worn out from pounding
❌ Power depends on your swing

Is it hot in here, or is it just me? 🥵

We are truly blessed that they dropped this before April 1st, it’s too good.
were-not-worthy-waynes-world.gif | Trouble Free Pool
So after thousands of years of evolutions we're back to using hand axes for food? :rolleyes:

I'm also scratching my head about the exuberant references to stellar customer service. Does each cleaver come with complimentary fellatio or something? Do they mow your lawn when they drop it off?
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I read every sentence as a shout in my head.

‘Don’t buy this knife if you have weak arms.’

The spec list thingy is also incredible (and a little horny):
✅ Bigger than most textbooks
✅ A powerful blow every time
✅ The strength to take a beating
❌ Worn out from pounding
❌ Power depends on your swing

Is it hot in here, or is it just me? 🥵

We are truly blessed that they dropped this before April 1st, it’s too good.