After the horse carrot test last weekend, I have been looking for something else to increase the difficulty just for fun. A few people mentioned big sweet potatoes. I bought a bag from Costco. Not significantly more challenging than those horse carrots to me. Looked around a little more today and found this massive taro in a local store. 200mm x 110mm. I don’t want to list out all the knives, but I tried a bunch of them. The popular KU knives all got stuck…short (in height) gyutos all got stuck…light lasers all got stuck…some mid weight knives did ok. One knife really stood out - my 52100 Eddworks. 244mm x 57mm, 232g. No idea what secret sauce @eddworks added to this knife. Really don’t want to make him even more popular as I want more knives from him, but this knife is really something else.
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