Thoughts on gyutohikis?

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Jan 2, 2019
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Nebraska - the other Oklahoma
I’ve been low key obsessed with the 10” Forgie that I got from a member here for about six months. The extra length, lowish heel height and relatively light weight are a huge draw.

That’s got me looking at similar knives, which I guess would be Sakai 270s and longer gyutohikis.

Do people like this style? What do you see as pros and cons? Favorite makers?

Maybe I’m just being contrarian, but all of these 230x58s out there give me an itch for a 255x48.
I like them, but they don’t seem to be popular, yet many like KS profile which is 255x48-49 usually. I really liked Mizuno version of it that is about the same. Every time I use these profiles I think they are great, but very hard to sell and since I am a perpetual rotator of knives I tend not to buy them unless it is something special. The popularity of very high heels relative to length has baffled me ever since I started in this hobby because from the very beginning I thought that lower heels have certain benefits and the over all shape is better. I’ve since learned that there are some benefits to somewhat higher heels as well and yet I am still baffled by the popularity of very high heels.
I’ve been low key obsessed with the 10” Forgie that I got from a member here for about six months. The extra length, lowish heel height and relatively light weight are a huge draw.

That’s got me looking at similar knives, which I guess would be Sakai 270s and longer gyutohikis.

Do people like this style? What do you see as pros and cons? Favorite makers?

Maybe I’m just being contrarian, but all of these 230x58s out there give me an itch for a 255x48.

255x48 is considered a gyutohiki now?? what is the world coming to 😭

that's just a gyuto! as barmoley noted, it's the exact dimensions as the most popular gyuto in the forums at one time, the masamoto ks

smh at this heel height shaming of perfectly normal gyutos 😔
255x48 is just a normal gyuto, if maybe a bit on the low side. But that's almost a KS...which is still my favorite profile. Anything above 50mm just gets in the way for me. I actually have an Arcos knife thats 250x45 and it's really pleasant in use.

Going lower than 45 not necessarily my cup of tea? And why would you buy that anyway; over years of sharpening that's where your knives will eventually end up anyway...

240x50 used to be the 'standard' gyuto size for decades. I don't know why this high heel height took over in the last couple of years. Maybe there's more women here after all... ;)
Closest thing I have is a Mazaki suji that is 270x42. Gyutohiki? Maybe, I don’t mind going gyuto stuff with it.
Mine is similar but I'd really just consider it a tall-ish sujihiki.
The popularity of very high heels relative to length has baffled me ever since I started in this hobby because from the very beginning I thought that lower heels have certain benefits and the over all shape is better. I’ve since learned that there are some benefits to somewhat higher heels as well and yet I am still baffled by the popularity of very high heels.
I agree, and as I've said before if you use a 50mm+ Gyuto it feels like a knife with training wheels.
@Barmoley those do look nice.

I’ve seen some B2 Itsuo Doi knives that would also fit the bill too, but those don’t seem to be sold anymore.
i have one, it is verrry chunky. also a little short, iirc more like 245x48? but excellent heat treat on the steel. could be the perfect knife for someone but not me
I definitely like Gyuji profiles. I have actually ground down a handful of knives to the 40-45mm as my shorties.

For all of the 55+ gyuto lovers out there, go find a 47-50mm tall one. That's what we feel with 40-45.