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Walnut is such a beautiful wood. Where the heck is Mazaki sourcing his ferrule material from?
Seriously, I've been wondering why walnut is not more common in knife handles. It has been all the rage in high end rifle and shotgun stocks for a century or two.
Seriously, I've been wondering why walnut is not more common in knife handles. It has been all the rage in high end rifle and shotgun stocks for a century or two.
Just wild speculation but... maybe because it was a nut producing tree, hence cutting it down for wood would in many places be considered wasteful.
Kinda similar to how slaughtering chickens used to be rather extravagant because you'd be killing off your own egg production.
Seriously, I've been wondering why walnut is not more common in knife handles. It has been all the rage in high end rifle and shotgun stocks for a century or two.
Hard to get good Walnut imo. Probably also has to do with it being highly used in furniture and gun stocks. American Walnut isn't really nice usually, has quite some grey tone. Good one isn't cheap too. Caucasus Walnut is usually on the nicer side. Walnut is one of my favourite woods.
Did you eat them at the same temperature?
Most common mistake is eating stuff after coming out of the fridge, and just like cheese ham needs to get up to temperature to really shine.
The one I ate at Ramblas was outside summer temperature and the ones I buy online I leave on room temp before serving. Curate carves it off the ham at room temp.
Walnut is such a beautiful wood. Where the heck is Mazaki sourcing his ferrule material from?

Spåre put walnut burl on my custom and it looks nice (I'd post a pic but the light is way wrong to take one right now). Another maker suggested walnut for a custom I have coming.

I have two 2' sections of black walnut drying right now that came from a tree in my backyard. The tree is going to come down this year and considering if I want more.
Just wild speculation but... maybe because it was a nut producing tree, hence cutting it down for wood would in many places be considered wasteful.
Kinda similar to how slaughtering chickens used to be rather extravagant because you'd be killing off your own egg production.
Yeah, but it's walnuts. Those don't even taste good.
Yeah, but it's walnuts. Those don't even taste good.
Perhaps, but they beat the (!) off almonds. I don’t understand the popularity of those undistinguished fat little guitar picks. And almond liqueur? Aiee lab smells.
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A man of culture, I see. I bet you could even explain the difference between naked and necked
Naked is intimate or more of a feeling, but neckitt is the act of being unclothed and frolicking or performing some other non-sexual action.

As a kid I'd run around bare neckitt on the farm.
And where it comes in the sentence! If the first word is "man" then 3 syllables.

If like "hey man, I'm about to whip up a puhcon crusted snapper feelay" then it's one syllable.

But "aw man" is 2 syllables