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The Wife saw me scrolling through r/EDC.

“Is this the next thing? Are you getting a pistol? Do you think you need a tiny wrench?”

Seems like she's been waiting to roast your ass on that one lol. At least you can blend hobbies by getting that new MagnaCut Leatherman.

If I get a pistol, I’ll find out what kind of shot she is.

My son would looooove the Knipex 125 lol. So many things loosened, then over tightened.

An itty bitty pry bar would actually be useful at work. But it doesn’t need to be a 150USD piece of titanium.

My next big thing
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My fellow KKF brothers and sisters I come to you after being dragged into yet another, I hesitate to even use the word debate... Perhaps delusional discussion? Surely the opinion held by those whom I'm about to reference is unquestionably unpopular but I refuse to put this post there as, these people are deranged at worst and horribly misguided at best and the rational among us understand this and thus it is far from unpopular.

The pineapple on pizza discussion is mere child's play compared to this "opinion" that dare I say causes the foundations of right and wrong to shiver.

To what do I speak my food friends? Bacon. Specifically the insane assertion that anything other than crispy bacon is somehow, in any universe, on any plane of existence, better. Those who assert so called chewy bacon is better have surely suffered some type of pork belly trauma. I challenged any among them to show me a single commercial advertisement celebrating "chewy bacon". As you will readily guess, not one has yet to do so. Why? Because no such ad exists! Why? Because crispy bacon is not just the logical answer, but the only answer.

Beware KKF'ers, it is an infectious notion. Why, even one of my own loins has fallen prey to this absurdity. I blame her mother. A true bacon Jezebel indeed.

Resist this assertion my friends. Cook your bacon crisp and insist on showing them the true path! No pig has ever aspired to have their midsections become "chewy". They know, we know, that becoming crispy is their ultimate fulfillment.

Be well bacon lovers. Hold the line.
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Alright yall I'm going to japan in mid April and will be in osaka for 2.5 days. I want to try to make it down to Sakai one morning and go to a few blacksmiths. I'm thinking Takada for sure but what about others? Does konosuke have a physical location I can drop in to? What about nakagawa? Open to suggestions, I plan on messaging them a couple weeks ahead of time to make sure it's ok
Definitely go to Konosuke!
Those who assert so called chewy bacon is better have surely suffered some type of pork belly trauma. I challenged any among them to show me a single commercial advertisement celebrating "chewy bacon".
That's because culinary sophistication in the US is sorely lacking. Crispy is all they know and capable of understanding.

Bacon that goes into a stew has to be chewy, says I, a Bavarian. And the Bavarians cook with bacon. A lot.

Because a thread such as this one is no fun without someone disagreeing… 😈
Bacon that goes into a stew has to be chewy, says I, a Bavarian. And the Bavarians cook with bacon. A lot.
Roux made with bacon fat is so wonderful. It should be crispy at some point. If it's not crispy, you left some flavor for the roux behind.

We fought (and won) a war against the Brit’s to escape their meager culinary traditions. Soggy, mislabeled cuts mistakenly called “bacon” being paramount. Bacon in a soup or other application where it loses the crisp, fine; but it should be crisped before that point.
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Bacon is basically the ingredient that I'm missing in just about every vegetarian dish I've had in my life. As in 'this is pretty good...but it'd be even better with some bacon'.
Even though I'm normally not one of those people who throws bacon at everything.
I'm marrying a chewy bacon preferrer...but I do all the cooking, so bacon is crispy. I won't stand for it. Nothing worse than biting in to a BLT or burger and pulling out full slice of chewy bacon because it won't bite cleanly.

I've been an oven-bacon covert for some time. The new oven has an air fry mode and boy howdy does that make ideal crispy swine strips.
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Bacon must have an HRC of at least 67

My mother was a crispy bacon lover to the extreme. When we would go out for breakfast it was always scrambled eggs, bacon extra crisp. Invariably, before the dish even hit the table, she would ask the waiter if they could throw the bacon in the frier for another minute. Never could bacon be too crisp.
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It’s never too early for divorce…

It's been a 10 year rehabilitation campaign. She came from Midwestern/country style cooking...no spice, butter as a main seasoning, canned vegetables, lots of casseroles. MIL thinks my blackened redfish is "spicy" 🙄

I've gotten her fully on-board with Cajun cuisine, Thai/Indian curries, Cuban, and all sorts of other fun stuff. The flaccid bacon is really the last hurdle before brainwashing is complete.

Oh god that sounds too familiar. Going on 7 years with an Appalachian, which means there are exactly 3 fresh vegetables. Potato’s, onions, and ramps for the 2 weeks they’re in season. Everything else only exists as a can.

Spicy food involves black pepper, or Frank’s red hot.

Shown her how good various forms of green veg are when roasted hard. Gotten her hooked on a few middle eastern dishes. Had some fun with korean food since we enjoy Korean tv, even if the spice level is beyond either of our capability. I’m making a pint of crunchy garlic a week to keep up with the demand. Minute rice no longer lives in the pantry now she knows she can make me cook some medium grain. Most surprising to me was getting her into kimchi which I would have never expected her to like as much as she does given its pungency.

Her family on the other hand…

It's been a 10 year rehabilitation campaign. She came from Midwestern/country style cooking...no spice, butter as a main seasoning, canned vegetables, lots of casseroles. MIL thinks my blackened redfish is "spicy" 🙄

I've gotten her fully on-board with Cajun cuisine, Thai/Indian curries, Cuban, and all sorts of other fun stuff. The flaccid bacon is really the last hurdle before brainwashing is complete.
You mean "deprogramming".
Yeah even the French wouldn't object to that. Butter is the spice of life!