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Not liking shig steel is pretty wild so I guess this adds up.
It's soft yet also chippy when appropriately thin behind the edge. What’s to like in the real world? Sure it sharpens nicely and is fun to play with and cut curlies from paper towel, but as a daily driver in a kitchen? Nah. I can see the argument for it in razors / sashimi knives but that’s it.
Well of course we all have preconceived ideas of what we expect from a certain steel. For me edge durability, bite and easy of sharpening are the key characteristics. TF AS and Kato's white and blue meets all those expectations, although I will say Kato's blue 2 is a little more fragile than I would like. Then its profile and geometry (food release). Again TF and Kato hit the sweet spot. I find Takeda's grinds just....odd. As you say to each their own.
Hey now, we’re talking steel not grinds here… I’ll hand you that Takeda makes some duds in the grind department - no doubt. But as far as steel goes I much prefer his AS to TFs. A smidge less hard, but still takes a ferocious edge, holds it well, and can take tons of hard use on poly boards and never chip even at very nail flexy geometry. TF is maybe a bit better for cutting toilet paper for Instagram likes, but I know who I’d rather HT my blade for the kitchen between the two.

I’ve yet to find a Kato with steel I thought better than middling. One of the several I’ve sharpened I’d go so far as to say the HT was flawed - horrifically chippy, even when fairly thick behind the edge to my standards, and the steel lost all bite when taken north of 2k.

Birgerrssons taco trounces these. Its very hard, has great retention, cuts well at both 500 grit and off the finest natural stones, doesn’t have issues with chipping (micro or macro) even at absurdly nail flexing geometry BTE. Little glassy on stones sometimes, but small price to pay for superior performance.
I’ve yet to find a Kato with steel I thought better than middling. One of the several I’ve sharpened I’d go so far as to say the HT was flawed - horrifically chippy, even when fairly thick behind the edge to my standards, and the steel lost all bite when taken north of 2k.
His white is better than his blue, from my experience. I don't really understand his move to B#2. I would have thought W#1 would have been a better choice for his style of blademaking. My old school WH gets super thin behind the edge without losing its toughness.
No I’ve used shig and kato plenty in pro settings they’re quite fine and brought me plenty of enjoyment. They can chip sure so they need to be used carefully, I don’t see this as a problem and I definitely don’t think they’re soft? Hrc 63-64 is soft?
Never had a Mab or Denka chip and there’s been instances where they were treated roughly by coworkers that use dexters. I can understand the love for Takeda HT but usually the blade shape is so whack it’s pretty much being disqualified almost entirely from belonging in my roll.
Thanks! Just grabbed the 100x240 to try out. Thanks for the tip on that. Suspect they will be heck of a lot faster on thinning and and reprofiling than my current 400 diamond.
I have that
It’s super fast and completely different feel from a atoma
Much better feed back
Fun thread
So from what I gather TF love is HT love. So if you can sharpen and don’t need to prep 500# of carrots per sesh, then there’s not a lot of advantage
It seems like getting a Porsche that might have 440 hp or maybe 415 but possibly 480
Caveat emptor MF’ers
My second hand Denka has acceptable f/f but is a wedge monster and yes I can get it thinned…I can also bolt on a turbo to a Camry and call it a Quattroporte

Looks like they don't ship to the US so I'm out of luck with this shop. Still spent some time browsing and they have some cool stuff - definitely worth a look if you're in the EU. With all this talk of HT, here's your chance to try Shigefusa yourself (albeit with their basic KU line):
Looks like they don't ship to the US so I'm out of luck with this shop. Still spent some time browsing and they have some cool stuff - definitely worth a look if you're in the EU. With all this talk of HT, here's your chance to try Shigefusa yourself (albeit with their basic KU line):
Actually have shig santoku and nakiri in ku and gyuto in kit
Like them well enough but I guess I’m just a gutter rat, I like my munetoshi, Mikami and Shindo
They’re inexpensive, not fancy but great performer and the Mikami HT and geometry is amazing
After the initial edge, I’ve only stropped on 6k and it’ll cut paper towels smoothly
Looks like they don't ship to the US so I'm out of luck with this shop. Still spent some time browsing and they have some cool stuff - definitely worth a look if you're in the EU. With all this talk of HT, here's your chance to try Shigefusa yourself (albeit with their basic KU line):
It wouldn't hurt to ask whether they'd be willing to ship overseas again. They were able to accommodate when I made an order around the same time last year but stopped due to increased costs with the war in Ukraine. (Although I reckon it did not help when one of the knives I ordered was severely tipped and shipped back to them for a refund either.)
Looks like they don't ship to the US so I'm out of luck with this shop. Still spent some time browsing and they have some cool stuff - definitely worth a look if you're in the EU. With all this talk of HT, here's your chance to try Shigefusa yourself (albeit with their basic KU line):
You can wait for Dictum to restock, much better price
Ugliest handle ever!
Seriously though, I'd rather have a good knife with an ugly handle, than the other way around. FWIW, I've seen worse handles, these aren't totally hideous.
Screen Shot 2023-11-28 at 5.25.47 PM.png
Seriously though, I'd rather have a good knife with an ugly handle, than the other way around. FWIW, I've seen worse handles, these aren't totally hideous.
View attachment 284977
Not sure i want to grab ahold of Shrek's weiner every time I need to prep supper
I’d 100% consider rehandling lol
Honestly, I rarely re-handle knives, unless it’s a righty d-handle, and prefer good magnolia or burnt chestnut, over the fancier woods like ironwood, burls, etc. If given that cleaver, or having to use it in another’s kitchen I wouldn’t cringe, it’s just a tool.
Not sure i want to grab ahold of Shrek's weiner every time I need to prep supper
Honestly, I'd love to make that dream become a reality. I'm almost tempted to try that on one of my projects, just to see how far back my wife's eyes really can roll into her head.
Plans are in motion
Honestly, I'd love to make that dream become a reality. I'm almost tempted to try that on one of my projects, just to see how far back my wife's eyes really can roll into her head.
Plans are in motion

@RDalman and @ian had a handle that might work.
Where do I get that handle. I want for my kagekiyo dammy.

Also is there such thing as a florescent wa handle? like glow in the dark?

The maker of the handle if I'm correct was Stefan Keller. He passed a number of years ago.

As for a florescent handle - if you can shape the material into the wa shape, you can get a handle. The prime consideration would be how slippery it may get if you hands are wet.