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“Uranium is a dense, hard metallic element that is silvery white in colour. It is ductile, malleable, and capable of taking a high polish. In air the metal tarnishes and when finely divided breaks into flames.”

This sounds awesome! I definitely need a uranium cleaver.
Cuts & cooks at the same time
Bee keeping is a rabbit hole I refuse to go down any time soon
I took some pollinator courses at work, since we use bees for pollen residue/pesticide studies on crops that are too hard to collect pollen by human hands. The gist from all the professional beekeeper/scientists was "this sucks, they never do what you want, it's constant headache"

Cured me of any hobby beekeeping aspirations.
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I took some pollinator courses at work, since we use bees for pollen residue/pesticide studies on crops that are too hard to collect pollen by human hands. The gist from all the professional beekeeper/scientists was "this sucks, they never do what you want, it's constant headache"

Cured me of any hobby beekeeping aspirations.

I can confirm that there's always something needing to be done with them or for them.
It’s only 50mm tall would be my guess. Which isn’t a bad thing. Surprised it’s only 187 grams.
Yeah I can see that. Crazy to me that 50mm is considered "short" but I know taller knives are definitely more popular. These dimensions look great to me, and this was on my short list at the drop, but went for the 250x52, 190g Kira instead.
I have always wanted to try a Nigara but the price turns me away. I handled a western handle Anmom bunka and was impressed. The F&F was tight and their grinds look like they are performers too. Their Ginsan damascus line is gorgeous and hard to find but much more reasonably priced (the dammy looks like wrought even though I know it isn't).
Looks like the price on those damascus blades increased substantially over the last they appeared.