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Depends on where you are. Over here you see it plenty with a C due to French influences, and I think in Francophone areas it's mostly seen with a C.
True forgot about the French and some of their influences. But don't think it's a common French name. At least haven't met one. Geographically I associate it with Eastern and Northern Europe.
anyone knows what these “characters” say?


True forgot about the French and some of their influences. But don't think it's a common French name. At least haven't met one. Geographically I associate it with Eastern and Northern Europe.
Many Éric in France, mostly "old" people now (sorry)
If you want to see this comparison, you can look in the eddworks passaround thread. I compared the passaround Eddworks that even Ed acknowledged was inspired by Ben Kamon and a Kamon that was nearly the same length and weight, and I can say there is a notable difference between the two.

I've been fortunate to have used 4 different Eddworks (3 that I owned, 1 was the passaround) and 5 Kamons (all of which I've owned/do own) so I think I have a decent perspective on both of their knives.
For science, I am always in favor of comparisons. But if my knives get mentioned or compared to @KAMON Knives in any favorable light, it is only because I have taken so much inspiration from him. Much respect to one of the GOATs 🙏
For science, I am always in favor of comparisons. But if my knives get mentioned or compared to @KAMON Knives in any favorable light, it is only because I have taken so much inspiration from him. Much respect to one of the GOATs 🙏

For those who didn't read the passaround thread and were curious, the comparison was essentially that I was super impressed with the Eddworks, even when compared with knives from Ben Kamon that among my favorite in my collection!