my doctor told me they don't really know the affects, positive or negative from Vaping. not from the med side of the house.
The current medical opinion is that
vaping is less harmful than smoking cigarettes, but that vaping is not harmless.
Seeing that nothing gets burned when vaping (the liquid is vaporised instead), and that there are thousands of chemicals in cigarette smoke that are known to be harmful and/or carcinogenic, I think it is a safe bet that vaping is considerably safer. It'll take twenty years to find out how much safer. Even then—once we have accumulated much more data—with almost no regulations as to what can and can't be in vape liquid, it will be difficult to give a definitive single answer.
My first-hand experience suggests that vaping is definitely less harmful. My airways tell me so in no uncertain terms, as does my general health, which has improved hugely since I switched from smoking to vaping.
Would I be better off not vaping? Yes, no question. Inhaling nothing is guaranteed to be better than inhaling something, no matter how harmless that something might be.
Will it kill me? Who knows. I might still die of lung cancer or emphysema that was originally caused during my smoking days. Or I might die of lung cancer or emphysema caused by vaping. If either happens, there will be no way to know.
Final word: don't smoke or vape. Both are a bad idea, both from a health and from a financial perspective. If you must do one of them, I think vaping is the better option. Likely not as harmful, and definitely cheaper (at least in Australia).