Shig. Kasumi DIY

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Oh hey, i got linked a thread you were in too! I apparently miss out on a lot only hanging out in the sharpening station. You guys have all the fun over here!
@ma_sha1 By the simple life logic and by law this is not a Shigefusa knife anymore. FYI, the father can sue you, if you keep the kanji. Ofc, he wont, but it does not change the fact that keeping the kanji is at least immoral.

Edit: When I say "Can sue you" , I mean "On theory the father can sue you..."
Edit of the edit: "FYI, the father can sue you, if you keep the kanji." to be read "FYI, the father can sue you, if you keep the kanji and you sell the knife without notice what you did."
This is one of the most ridiculous things I’ve ever read.
hahaha. propaganda agent of john deere international (bulgaria division) detected. must squash "right" to repair... modifications are not allowed!
An entertaining thread for sure.

Here's a dissenting opinion.

I don't see what the big deal is! Firstly, a kitchen knife by Shig, Kato, et al, is just a tool, not a work or art nor a sacred object. I know of few if any knife makers who firstly call themselves 'artists.'

With all due respect, talk of a lawsuit if kanji isn't removed is ludicrous—there's nothing about Shigs that can be copyrighted or patented, save for maybe the logo (if registered)—Shigs are awesome knives (I've got two), but there's nothing original, innovative in either design or materiality, or truly distinctive about a Shigefusa knife, aside from being a very well made tool.

Admittedly, I knocked off the original handle on my Shig to replace it with a koa/reindeer handle by Graydon.

Global, Kyocera have produced knives that have patents—both are innovative, original.

Whether in good or poor taste—that's besides the point—the Shig in question is a used kitchen knife, the owner free to do what he/she wants. If it's resold, I've no issue with a BST listing of 'Converted Shigefusa Gyuto,' 'Reworked Shigefusa Gyuto,' 'MaSha's Re-Imagined Shigefusa Kitchen Knife.'
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To be fair. If i sold someone a knife, and they modded it, and thought it was better afterwards. I dont think i would care. But idk im not a dude thats been doing this my whole life, or part of the culture over their.

I definitely think they would just be happy the knife is getting used though.
This thread deserves a sticky. It's got all the good stuff: knife mods, heated arguments, and legal advice. Only thing missing is maybe massdrop
Intriguing idea. Now, how will this work—do we signup, then send our Shigs to MaSha to be converted?
An entertaining thread for sure.

Here's a dissenting opinion.

I don't see what the big deal is! Firstly, a kitchen knife by Shig, Kato, et al, is just a tool, not a work or art nor a sacred object. I know of few if any knife makers who firstly call themselves 'artists.'

With all due respect, talk of a lawsuit if kanji isn't removed is ludicrous—there's nothing about Shigs that can be copyrighted or patented, save for maybe the logo (if registered)—Shigs are awesome knives (I've got two), but there's nothing original, innovative in either design or materiality, or truly distinctive about a Shigefusa knife, aside from being a very well made tool.

Admittedly, I knocked off the original handle on my Shig to replace it with a koa/reindeer handle by Graydon.

Global, Kyocera have produced knives that have patents—both are innovative, original.
View attachment 219166

Whether in good or poor taste—that's besides the point—the Shig in question is a used kitchen knife, the owner free to do what he/she wants. If it's resold, I've no issue with a BST listing of 'Converted Shigefusa Gyuto,' 'Reworked Shigefusa Gyuto,' 'MaSha's Re-Imagined Shigefusa Kitchen Knife.'
You obviously are making good points but taking a professionally made knive and, as a beginner, butchering it is a little strange. I agree that it’s his knife and he has the right to do whatever he wants with it but I personally don’t really get why he did it in the first place. Then to post the butchering is even more strange to me. Anyway, like I said, the op can do whatever he wants with his property, providing of course it’s not a living thing and be happy or not with the results.
You obviously are making good points but taking a professionally made knive and, as a beginner, butchering it is a little strange. I agree that it’s his knife and he has the right to do whatever he wants with it but I personally don’t really get why he did it in the first place. Then to post the butchering is even more strange to me. Anyway, like I said, the op can do whatever he wants with his property, providing of course it’s not a living thing and be happy or not with the results.
Honestly, I was fascinated by the enthusiasm and process MaSha took making the MaShaFusa. Unexpected, yes, without a doubt. A memorable thread for sure.