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Nothing fancy. Cold, leftover roast beef with mustard for a lazy lunch.

Perhaps we should take one day when everyone makes the same thing and then compare the pictures? :)
That’s sounds like fun. It would have to be something with readily available ingredients in different locations. I’d still feel inadequate, though. Haha. Too many mouthwatering, beautiful, creative dishes here. I wish I could start at the beginning of this thread and eat each and every dish, a dish a day. Heaven.
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Not unimportant; I forgot to add that my GF made the best raspberry icecream I ever tasted for desert after the Asparagus, from scratch with some GREAT raspberries (totally out of season) she found on a market.
Sabayon style eggs with sugar, then add cream and milk, some vanilla, lemon juice, salt and the pureed and sieved raspberries (ridiculous amount of those). She even thought of adding back some of the raspberry pips for authenticity :cool:


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72% whole wheat sourdough baguette, ~83% hydration.

I ran out of KA whole wheat a few months ago so I shifted to a whole wheat flour with less protein (14.9% -> 12-12.5%). This forced me to reduce the hydration by ~4%. 25 lbs of flour later and this is the first batch that actually came out. It felt overproofed and underdeveloped but it came out better than my previous attempts so I might try doing the same thing next week 🤣
Kofte with tahini lemon sauce and roasted sesame and fresh parsley, with burnt peppers with fresh spring onions, with harissa fried potatoes with garlic, roasted pistachios and sesame and fresh spring onions!!! Very nice the whole 🤤
I love to field requests from the little people, they often get me out of my ruts. My 11 y.o. daughter asked last week, "can we make those salmon pancake thingies?" Be 'we' she meant 'you' and by 'thingies' she meant my buckwheat blinis. I do them with smoked salmon, horseradish crema, caviar, and fresh dill.

I love to field requests from the little people, they often get me out of my ruts. My 11 y.o. daughter asked last week, "can we make those salmon pancake thingies?" Be 'we' she meant 'you' and by 'thingies' she meant my buckwheat blinis. I do them with smoked salmon, horseradish crema, caviar, and fresh dill.
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Your 11 y.o.loves that? That’s so awesome! Lol….as an 11 y.o. I wouldn’t go near that.
Ha, indeed I love that too. The other day my 5 year old son vocalized his love for white asparagus ; 'daddy, when I think of Asparagus I go ..mmm, dunno..., but when I really think of them I know I love them', an hour later he dug in as if there was no tomorrow.
My theory is that he got exposed to so many real flavors as opposed to being factory fed as a baby that his palate is already quite developed, or it's the genes , and in that case mine of course :angel:
I made a big pot of borscht on Sunday for dinner, but made enough to freeze and for me to have a few bowls leftover for lunches during the week. I braised some beef brisket separately to cube up and add to the soup and used the broth from the braise as well.
Your 11 y.o.loves that? That’s so awesome! Lol….as an 11 y.o. I wouldn’t go near that.
Currently at least. I have two young ladies, and both were at one time my champion eaters (even then they had their 'moments' but didn't reject too much), but things change constantly. My 14 year old, who used to be a great eater, suddenly doesn't like anything I put before her that is unfamiliar. When they were young I thought they were pretty picky, until I dined with their peers and I realized that we were really lucky. Now if I can just convince them that asparagus is vegetable royalty, as the season is upon us. For whatever reason they both always liked salmon in any form.