what food do others LOVE but you don't?

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I like raw kale in a salad. Not AS the salad. It needs to be sliced thin.

The bitterness is nice juxtaposed with some sweet greens.
I made a hummus not long ago that incorporated both sautéed garlic and raw garlic, and it was markedly better than previous efforts, which were pretty pretty good.

But yeah, chickpea emulsion is not for everyone.
Sounds like you might not like American style BBQ. Though some have been known to smoke for a few hours until the stall, then wrap whatever in foil and move it to a low smoke-free oven to finish. Me? I like the ashtray.
Wait, what’s the alternative?
less smoke.
Sounds like you might not like American style BBQ. Though some have been known to smoke for a few hours until the stall, then wrap whatever in foil and move it to a low smoke-free oven to finish. Me? I like the ashtray.
i like american style bbq and i make it myself, but with less smoke than intended, and only dry drub recipes. nothing with sugar in it.

i also don't like chili (the chunky con carne type) and hot honey, and avacado toast. those things can go to hell..
I never really did like avocados. The taste is mediocre and the texture is just really off-putting. I'm half Mexican and grew up trying to force myself to like it but eventually gave up all together, bleh
I had this one glorious moment in Santa Monica coupla years ago.

Perfect backyard ‘cados turned into the Platonic ideal of guac. Oh very yes.

Sorta ruined me for any other ‘mole. Olé.
It's an iconic Australian dish. (Well, more like iconic Australian debauchery, TBH…) One of those makes for a big and tasty meal (for me, without the beetroot). Here is a recipe for a burger with the lot.

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Had a burger with the lot last night at one of the better places in Brisbane, Royal Charcoal Chicken. It's a family business that's been there forever. Simple food, Lebanese dishes, kebabs, burgers, and the like. Cheap and simple, and the real deal.


This specimen is nowhere near as photogenic as the one I posted previously. But that's what a real burger from a real take-away joint looks like.


Everything that's supposed to be in there is there: Lettuce, tomato, fried onion, beef patty, bacon, pineapple, cheese, fried egg, mayonnaise, and tomato sauce. (The pineapple is there, I promise, it's just that it's hidden among all the other layers. I'm OK with that, seeing that there is no pizza nearby.)

The one thing that's missing is beetroot, because I asked them to leave it out. (I have Post Beetroot Stress Disorder.)

You can order it with tomato sauce (Aussie version of ketchup, but less sweet and less salty) or with BBQ sauce. Either is acceptable. Don't put any newfangled nonsense on it, such as sriracha or chilli mayo. (Them hipsters ruin everything…)

If you can't make your way to an Aussie burger joint, I strongly recommend to make it yourself. It's about time that the Americans learned that we make better burgers Down Under 😈