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Man looks like his prices have definitely gone up as I recall people saying they got a blade from him for like sub-300. I got on his books to see what the buzz was about so I’m curious what he’ll be charging when I’m up.
They have gone up, but the western handles were always higher than the wa handles in my experience. My last 250mm gyuto in 52100 with a walnut wa handle was about $400 for comparison IIRC and worth every penny.
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Man looks like his prices have definitely gone up as I recall people saying they got a blade from him for like sub-300. I got on his books to see what the buzz was about so I’m curious what he’ll be charging when I’m up.
Prices have definitely climbed but they're still pretty reasonable for the quality of his work. I think he's charging a premium for western handles hence the higher price point for these ones. From recent sales it looks like a standard wa handled ~240 is in the $400 range for 52100/AEBL. Not the screaming deal they were 6 months ago but still pretty competitive IMO.

Edit - @xsmx13 beat me to it - what he said.
I debated on whether or not to chime in, so instead of overthinking a response (as I typically do...) I'll quickly say that I very much appreciate all the feedback and support everyone here has provided. This is quite the journey for me, and I am sure I'll improve and adjust a zillion times along the way :)
I should re-clarify that I wasn’t saying his work is unfairly priced based on the feedback here. I think he also just got a power hammer, and as someone who has taken a few knifemaking classes, that’s amazing. But they don’t pay for themselves so between the supply/demand and equipment upgrades, I get it and I’m still pumped to come up with a custom.
That is only a little more than I paid for a western 240 s-grind in AEBL thick stock custom that I got from him when he first came on the KKF scene. For the level of his fit/ finish and performance, the price point is still below market market. And he is a good guy to deal with.
I might add that Ed has always had a presence here to communicate with past, current and future customers. That has a value to a lot of us
I need to chime in and second these points. Some issues out of our control arose during the delivery of my first knife from Ed. He couldn’t have been better to work with and did everything he could to correct it even though it was through no fault of his own. It turned what could have been a really depressing situation into a positive one.

I think his prices are reasonable and he could get away with charging a little more. Though I’m sure they will get there at some point because they are definitely worth it.
Make sure the right country is selected. For some reason, even when I'm on EU website it always defaults to US for me, which shows prices without VAT.
No experience with the current Mazakis, mine is from the previous triangle gen. F&F was really nice, they're some of the most comfortable knives to use, because they have a nicely polished spine & choil and a very thick spine above the heel (that tapers down nicely).
Major drawback is that the cladding is really reactive.
They're also not exactly lightweight, a bit on the tall side and quite forward heavy, whether that's a good or a bad thing depends on your preferences.
I tried the “old” profile, but wanted that more because of form over function.
So I was kind of curious, if anybody had tried these new ones.
If not, I just ordered one so I’ll be able to give a reasonable feedback soon 😂