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Full time Knifemaker for the last 5 years
Previously- manufacturing engineering management, production operations. AS9100 management. Mostly In CNC aerospace machine shops. Always for small family owned companies
Also for a few years owned and operated auto Collison shops.
2 Master’s degrees 🤣
Amazing group of folks here ... always humbling and awesome ... interesting that this particular obsession attracts so many folks with such different backgrounds & interests ...

Previous (15 years) - flight test (mil & civ) jet A/C & UAS
Current (+20 years) - 'pre' flight test (dynamics) for things that get to significantly higher altitudes ... many to find & focus on those little targets Daveb & WBoar keep going on about .... but also work(ed) on many that either look up or are just doing some very very cool science (i.e. MER's, OSTM, Aquarius, JUNO, Parker Solar Probe, JWST, etc.) ...

FWIW - I'm really just a full time Maine Coon groomer & servant ... who cooks when they get bored with him ...

Cassi is 21 Lbs
Rockie is 24 Lbs

Yes that is a dining room table ... super chill cats ...

We picked up a Maine Coon kitten a little over a year ago. So far he has been anything but chill 😹

Too funny ... Kittens are after all kittens - but since a Maine Coons "kitten" is already a full grown house cat size wise the amount of destruction goes up accordingly ...

Rockie (male) is "surfer dude" chill .... Cassi (female) is pretty chill ... they calmed down a lot once neutered/spayed but the breeder had me wait as long as possible for health/growth reasons ... FWIW - I can literally hand Rockie to anyone and he just hugs them ... Cassi - not a good idea unless you want to go to the ER ...
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Max is very welcoming of visitors. His behavior didn't change much when he got neutered; he was about a year old (he's 15-1/2 months now). He's not big on being held. And lately he's learned he can get my attention by sharpening his claws on my pants or by biting my calf when I am wearing shorts.
Amazing group of folks here ... always humbling and awesome ... interesting that this particular obsession attracts so many folks with such different backgrounds & interests ...

Previous (15 years) - flight test (mil & civ) jet A/C & UAS
Current (+20 years) - 'pre' flight test (dynamics) for things that get to significantly higher altitudes ... many to find & focus on those little targets Daveb & WBoar keep going on about .... but also work(ed) on many that either look up or are just doing some very very cool science (i.e. MER's, OSTM, Aquarius, JUNO, Parker Solar Probe, JWST, etc.) ...

FWIW - I'm really just a full time Maine Coon groomer & servant ... who cooks when they get bored with him ...

Cassi is 21 Lbs
Rockie is 24 Lbs

Yes that is a dining room table ... super chill cats ...

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I so want a Main Coon, they are such cool cats.
I trained as a geneticist specialising in bone development and disease, now I sell proteomics robotics for both fluidic and spatial biology application.
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I am a micro business owner with no employees. I give occasional advice to some, and represent others in legal disputes.
Is this a PhD track you went on or a specialized program? What's the next breakthrough?
Yeah did a PhD (20 years ago). Was mostly interested in how stem/progenitor cells repaired bone and how they could be recruited to treat things like osteoporosis and other skeletal disorders. Haven't really kept up with the latest in the field although worked a little with some cell therapy companies using stem cells for various treatments. Now I am mostly involved in biomarker discovery platforms with a focus on pathology applications in cancer and neurodegenerative disease biomarkers in biolgical fluids (ie blood tests for things like Alzheimers's and multiple sclerosis)
I’m a graphic design manager (creative director) and I oversee a small team of designers for corporate marketing at insurance brokerage. Fell into the knife rabbit hole a few years ago with my love of cooking. Maybe I’ll apply my design skills to the knife world one of these days. I don’t know what that would be.
Maybe I’ll apply my design skills to the knife world one of these days. I don’t know what that would be.
I was thinking it would be cool to have a range of T-shirts celebrating famous knives, and collectors could pick up whatever they happen to own, but I don’t know how to pull it off without looking tacky.
Tough work, my dad worked at the Homestake gold mine in SD in the 70's. They were down at like 7-8 thousand feet then I think. He got the message from his back and moved on to the post office.
Yeah it certainly can be brutal. A lot of it has to do with how much time the company devotes to maintenance, but even then, with solid tires and your only suspension in equipment being an air ride seat, it takes its toll fast. I miss it. I really liked drilling and bolting...secondary blasting had its moments too