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Not sure that flambé is the best comparison because for the handful of times I’ve purposefully set my food on fire, it was with a lighter.
Not sure that flambé is the best comparison because for the handful of times I’ve purposefully set my food on fire, it was with a lighter.
It is very easy to flambe on induction if you understand the principle. Boiling alcohol combusts on its own without a flame source just fine. If your pan is too crowded or the alcohol gets too diluted with liquid or there is too much sugar etc then the alcohol won't boil and the fumes won't ignite. But if there's one thing induction is good at it is boiling liquid. Right @M1k3? You can definitely flambe with stuff as low proof as white wine just fine. I have been doing it for decades.
Spelling advice should be doled out spåringly.

it is not advice. “spare” is just wrong, just as donald trümp or “motorhead” :)

Some of us don't have keyboard to do the first version (I can from my phone, but not from my desktop)

i don’t have ø æ œ ç on my keyboard. took me one second to type them.

Some of us don't have keyboard to do the first version (I can from my phone, but not from my desktop)
On US international layout, å is right alt + w.
You can actually do most of the weird Scandinavian letters on US international that way; å (w), þ (t) ø (l) æ (z).
Ah the good old days of changing your co-workers keyboard language to Swedish when they left their desk for lunch... Now it's too easy to toggle between languages--and to lock your computer.
But once upon a time, Swedish was the nice way of saying "Shape up, or Wingdings is next..."
They are not "Bone-In" Wings. They are just "Wings".

They are not "Bonless" Wings, they are just Chicken Tenders

Wings best with dry rubs.

Chicken tenders can only be enjoyed with sauces. Dry rubs is the equivalent of eating dusty chicken.
Thats chicken fried rice
Slightly different than a typical "fried rice" which normally used plain day-old long grain white rice. That video uses glutinous rice, which is sticky, chewy, and really soaks up all the flavors of the food it's cooked with. It's really tasty!
Actual boneless wings

Reminds me of a recipe I haven't made in a while, because the labor to food ratio is so high. You take that wing middle segment, remove the bones, slip in a scallion length and a strip of ham, wrap in parchment paper, then deep fry all those little packets. I remember it being both tasty and fun to eat.