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I am thinking the pineapple pizza crap was better than this crazy coffee stuff. You coffee guys are nuttier than the knife and especially natural stone people and that is saying something. We need a coffee thread so it is easy to ignore. Putting this here in the hopes of breaking the coffee talk

coffee nerding is way worse than polishing talk lol
Once you have your method dialled in you just switch off and go on autopilot for the pouring, it’s quite meditative in my experience as I literally can’t do anything else for about 4 minutes 🙂
Meanwhile I'm thinking about splurging on the Fellow Aiden so I don't have to manually pour for 4 minutes hah.
IMHO, knife enthusiasts/collectors/nerds are pretty straightforward, easy bunch to get a handle on compared to art collectors/nerds—helluva lot cheaper too.
Picked up this bag today. Any coffee collective fans?

“Juicy acidity and intense sweetness. Full-bodied and refreshing with complex aromas of blackcurrant, raspberry and blackberry”

IMHO, knife enthusiasts/collectors/nerds are pretty straightforward, easy bunch to get a handle on compared to art collectors/nerds—helluva lot cheaper too.
Yeah kitchen knives aren’t really the worst offender in the whole knife hobby thing… There’s only so much thing you can play with until the knife is all bling and unusable
My coffee snobbiness peaked 20 years ago with whole beans in a burr grinder (Kitchenaid, been going strong daily for all these 20 years, I should probably replace the burrs one of these days) and a French press.

Coffee from the bins at Whole Foods or equivalent. I should probably get on some kind of mail or coffee subscription.

I do have a pour over that we use to make iced coffee Japanese style. That was a game changer for iced coffee.
I was really trying to follow, but I have to draw the line when you guys start making your own water. They have medicine for that.
I get that on hearing about it first, but it's perfectly logical thinking about it. Chicago (where I am) has some of the hardest water in the US. It scales up your boilers like crazy and can cause failure. You buy a mix in packets online and throw it in distilled water, or combine some salts and minerals once, and then you are set for years. Coffee is 99% water, why wouldn't you give it some love? Again, I buy a few jugs of distilled water, throw in some minerals and I'm set for months. With pourovers I don't bother though.
I get that on hearing about it first, but it's perfectly logical thinking about it. Chicago (where I am) has some of the hardest water in the US. It scales up your boilers like crazy and can cause failure. You buy a mix in packets online and throw it in distilled water, or combine some salts and minerals once, and then you are set for years. Coffee is 99% water, why wouldn't you give it some love? Again, I buy a few jugs of distilled water, throw in some minerals and I'm set for months. With pourovers I don't bother though.
ok I think we also need to clarify why distilled or reverse osmosis water is bad for the machine. if the water is too clean, the particles from the metal boiler may leach into the water. also, multiple sensors in the machine need mineral content to read things properly. I have a TDS meter and test the water I put in my machine.
ok I think we also need to clarify why distilled or reverse osmosis water is bad for the machine. if the water is too clean, the particles from the metal boiler may leach into the water. also, multiple sensors in the machine need mineral content to read things properly. I have a TDS meter and test the water I put in my machine.
Yes, yes osmosis is a female dog and electric sensors need minerals to read. These are horrible excuses to continue this insanity. You guys need to go outside sometime
Picked up this bag today. Any coffee collective fans?

“Juicy acidity and intense sweetness. Full-bodied and refreshing with complex aromas of blackcurrant, raspberry and blackberry”

View attachment 317316
Nice, I haven't tried the current harvest, but have enjoyed a lot of Kieni from Coffee Collective over the years and it's always been excellent.
The other problem with water is you need some mineral content to properly extract the coffee. The wrong water chemistry will make all coffee tasteless which I discovered a while back. I'm on well water and run an rv salt softener into an RO membrane and then mix back in about 10% raw water to bring the minerals up to where they need to be without risking the boilers in my espresso machine. Complicated to set up but has been faultless since (my machine is plumbed in).