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So you're saying the aliens that built the pyramids also brought microplastics with them? ;)
That, and herpes.

Petition to add people who walk slow in cities, and people who block the ‘fast lane’ on an escalator.
Public whistlers.

Guilty. But I’m a classical musician, it is subconscious. When I was in college, I had a job working as a driver for a bank. I would visit five or six branches a day. My father also had the same job. The tellers when he went in they would say “your son is the happiest person I’ve ever seen, he comes in here whistling every day.“

Oops. Promise, I’m not actually that happy.
Bonus points if you’re a tourist and stop right at the top of the escalator to study a map, causing a mass back up behind you!
Petition to add people who walk slow in cities, and people who block the ‘fast lane’ on an escalator.
yeah!! murder the disabled and elderly! if they inconvenience me in the slightest they do not deserve to live - "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" refers to mine and no one else's! I'M WALKING HERE!!!

oops, sorry wrong thread.. apparently this is a popular option around here
i had to revisit the anchovy pizza issue tonight for dinner


good, but too many olives. i would have made the pineapple amount roughly equal the anchovy + olive amount. also, i would have sliced the olives in half.
BTW the stand right and walk left practice seems to damage escalators unevenly and there has been effort to abolish it
Agreed, best to stand right, stand left to maximize throughput and dissolve the queue.

Anyone who insists on a right to push past the mass of standing commuters should have thought of that sooner, skipped the subway entirely, and just run on the road instead. They’re trying to save, what, 15 seconds on a 15 minute ride?
Agreed, best to stand right, stand left to maximize throughput and dissolve the queue.

Anyone who insists on a right to push past the mass of standing commuters should have thought of that sooner, skipped the subway entirely, and just run on the road instead. They’re trying to save, what, 15 seconds on a 15 minute ride?
Stand right; walk left is the pluralistic solution.

It’s the same on moving walkways. Being able to stack my pace onto the ssllooww machine pace is of value.
yeah!! murder the disabled and elderly! if they inconvenience me in the slightest they do not deserve to live - "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" refers to mine and no one else's! I'M WALKING HERE!!!

oops, sorry wrong thread.. apparently this is a popular option around here
Hold up, it's pursuit of happyness. No one said anything about actually catching it!
I walk up not to save time, but to actually get a hint of exercise, because that’s the amount I prefer.
I ride up when I'm burned out and tired, and judge all the walkers for being showoffs. When I'm feeling spry I walk up, and judge all the slow riders for being lazy.
My in-laws live outside of Des Moines. There is a pizza place near them they all love (Midwest style, crackery crust, cut in squares). They have a pizza with sour kraut and Canadian bacon as toppings. They all think it's the best thing ever. I find it an abomination.
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