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Last nights dinner…
Katsuo tataki (seared skipjack) with yuzu kosho

Miso tontoro (pig jowls) on sautéed cabbage.

Gai choy stems with egg.

Served with kimchi, mung bean salad and dashi with daikon, tofu and gai choy tips
Last nights dinner…
Katsuo tataki (seared skipjack) with yuzu kosho
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Miso tontoro (pig jowls) on sautéed cabbage.
View attachment 302596View attachment 302600
Gai choy stems with egg.
View attachment 302597
Served with kimchi, mung bean salad and dashi with daikon, tofu and gai choy tips
View attachment 302602

What a lovely fusion of stuff. I think Sauteed Cabbage is one of the most underrated things in the world.
Pizza Diavolo with salami piccante, red onion and green chili.
View attachment 302553
Looks great. I like that you call it "salami piccante". We call it pepperoni in the US. It annoys my Italian friend to no end. "Pepperoni means little bell peppers, not spicy salami!"

But, as a New Mexican, I have to take exception with your interpretation (and spelling) of green chili.
Looks great. I like that you call it "salami piccante". We call it pepperoni in the US. It annoys my Italian friend to no end. "Pepperoni means little bell peppers, not spicy salami!"

But, as a New Mexican, I have to take exception with your interpretation (and spelling) of green chili.
Thanks! This was an actual Italian salami, so I thought it would be proper to call it by its name! The pepperoni we get here is very bland, so I either go for the Italian stuff or Turkish Sucuk. I hope you will forgive me for offending you!
Thanks! I haven't fired up my fryer for a few years now since inflation hit and upped the price of vegetable oil by 150%. I'm just too cheap for that. This was cooked in s small casserole with approx 500ml of oil. Worked fine though..!
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I do the same thing, for stuff like Krupuk, and small fritters.
I like my eggs whites little crispy sunny side up. Janice likes yolks not to runny so turn off heat flip for couple seconds.
Just put a cover on the eggs and the yolks will cook. Adding a bit of water to make steam will cook them faster.

Adding cheese and jalapeños will make them delicious but not necessarily beautiful. And you can get crispy cheese bits.

I’m still on a diet and I’m keeping the carbs down.
I’m actively conscious about dietary food balance, portioning when cooking. Pretty much all my family/friends have rather unhealthy diets IMHO—all-you-can-eat buffets; plate lunches piled high with meat, rice, mac salad; high salt intake; etc. Hmm, might make chicken long rice tonight since I’ve leftover drumsticks—cheers for the idea.